El Centro Rotary News - Courtesy of Past President, Rev. Dr. Ron Griffen.
Welcome to the latest edition of the El Centro Rotary News. Gil Rebollar led the pledge, Erik Freeman offered prayerful thanks, and Mike Rood led the singing of two Christmas Carols.
Visiting Rotarians: None today
The final meeting of the year will be December 19th. Karina shared that the Christmas Party was well attended, and all had a good time! Jennifer report that Suzanne Platz, exchange student from Belgium has moved to her second host home. Also, she is busy starting an Interact Club in Imperial with help from the Interact club in Brawley. Way to go!
Whining and, Well, You know…
President Robert fined all non-attendees at his meetings where he was present (is that correct?!) $100 to help pay for the Christmas Party. Cathy Kennerson had a great trip to Italy with John, tried to bribe President Robert, and wound up paying $150 (she also mentioned she got a new car). Ed McGrew paid $50 celebrating his trip from Vancouver to Toronto. His chocolate bribe looked like it was sitting in his truck the whole time he was gone. Erik Freeman rejoiced in the gifts his two children received at the Christmas party by paying $100 ($50 for each child).
Jennifer Thomason paid up on a bet with President Robert on the Ruiz fight as well as a NPR ticket. Trying to bribe with wine glasses from Lake Tahoe, she eventually paid $100 to Paul Harris and $100 to the club.
El Centro Rotary News
El Centro Rotary News - Courtesy of Past President, Rev. Dr. Ron Griffen.
The Imperial Valley Food Bank
Welcome to the latest edition of the El Centro Rotary News. The meeting called to order at 12:20 pm by past president Bob Mapes. Pledge of Allegiance lead by John Levada. Prayer and blessing was given by Sara Griffen. Song,"You're a Grand Old Flag" directed by Mike Rood.
Visiting Rotarians: Richard Acosta, President of Holtville Rotary Club. Guest of Rotarians: Sara Griffen, Director of the Imperial Valley Food Bank was introduced by Kris Becker. Guest President: In a continuing effort to keep the members of CODGERS active in the club, President Robert has periodically asked a past president to fill in for him when he was attending meetings out of the county. For today's meeting he choose past president Bob Mapes because several meetings ago, Bob started asking Pres. Robert and other club members questions about the El Centro Rotary Club's history. It appeared to Pres. Robert that Bob really wanted be president again, at least for a day. So although Pres. Robert canceled his trip to Sacramento due to inclement weather, he still honored his commitment to let the big BM to be president for a day.
El Centro Rotary News
El Centro Rotary News - Courtesy of Past President, Rev. Dr. Ron Griffen.
Central Union High School Football 2019
Welcome to the latest edition of the El Centro Rotary News.
President Robert Menvielle called the meeting to order at 12:30 p.m. Diane Cason led the Pledge of Allegiance, and Pres. Robert gave the invocation followed by a rousing rendition of “You’re a Grand Old Flag.”
There were no visiting Rotarians. Guests of Rotarians included John Hamby (Gil Rebolar), CUHS Athletic Director Sandy Nonjaim, Coach David Peña, and Principal Craig Lyon (Ryan Childers). Lastly, Edward Morales (Kathy Ball), who is attending his third meeting and is now a candidate for membership.
December 5th will be the annual Rotary Christmas Party, to be held at the home of Karina Alvarez. Festivities begin at 6 p.m. Kathy Ball spoke about the Centennial Celebration and the work needed on a historical record of our club. Kathy also attended a meeting in Brawley and received an award for our club’s contribution of $1500 to End Polio Now in 2018. Way to go!
El Centro Rotary News
El Centro Rotary News - Courtesy of Past President, Rev. Dr. Ron Griffen.
There were actually two programs. The Cattle Call Queens gave a presentation of their Cattle Call speeches. There were informative, entertaining and fun!
Fernanda Lynch gave a presentation on the dangers of teenage vaping. It was eye-opening. While many see vaping as a safer way to smoke, the reality is vaping is even more dangerous, and the tobacco retailers are targeting teens.